dimanche 22 juin 2008

John Keating - Space Experience

"Space, the final frontier."

6 commentaires:

detour a dit…

merci boucoup soul train! i've been wanting space experience for quite some time now. alas, i gave my vinyl copy away to a friend! out of all james last's albums "well kept secret" is the one i love, so it looks as though we have some taste in common - can i add a link to your site onto my blog? i'm at http://subway-detour.blogspot.com.
thanks again,

detour a dit…

merde, i forgot to click email copy...

Bootzilla a dit…

No problemo my friend !

Anonyme a dit…

Félicitations pour ton super blog très pointu! tu nous gâte dis donc. Je découvre plein de joyaux, c'est la folie!

Bonne continuation. ;)

Anonyme a dit…

wah merci bootsy !!!! Super blog! soulseb

pollux a dit…

génial !

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