mardi 21 juillet 2009


3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Yo Bootzilla, thanks for pointing me to this blog. I'm diggin' it! -LS

pollux a dit…

nice music and cover ;) thanks !

Martin a dit…

Anyone who has followed "Rab Hines's" obsessive Bruno dirt at Call It Anything has seen that "Hines's" sole purpose is to spoil the name of a well-known German trumpeter.

CIA is not about jazz. For "Hines", it's about terror, libel, and involving music lovers in his stalking activities. Anyone supporting "Hines" risks a visit from the authorities all-too-soon.

"Hines" is an unemployed, mentally ill person from New Jersey masquerading himself as a jazz fan. Though nobody knows his real name, his voice can be heard at Bruno's Alert Blog. Well-known is his IP address under which "Hines" spammed literally hundreds (!) of jazz blogs with pedophile comments.

For more, simply google "Rab Hines Alert Blog". It's the very first Google entry.

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